Believers Pages 

About this website

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Bible Study
Gospel Witness
On-Line Bible
The purpose of this website is to bring together many useful sites into one place to save you time and make your information searching more fruitful. There is very little, if any,content that is original but I hope that it will help you find what you are looking for on the web. This is a non-profit making site. Any income derived from advertising will either be used for the development of new resources or given to help the Lord's work. I am excited by the wide range of material now available on the web which with careful sifting can greatly assist you in finding information. Much of this is not accessible through the search engines so I am greatful to those who have forwarded useful links to me. Please keep doing this. I recently lost a lot of information due to a computer crash so please re-send anything that I haven't published.

Make it your default page   I hope that Christians will use it as their default homepage or at least bookmark it as a starting place for surfing.

If you have come across other links which you find helpful or have any ideas and expertise which could help in the development of this site please feel free to email me with your suggestions.

What do I believe?           I am sure that as you surf this site you will get an impression of what I believe in but I summarise below.

  • I have placed my absolute dependance (faith) on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation as he is the only way to God. John 14v6
  • I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and can be trusted in its entirety as the truth. All of my beliefs are based therefore upon this book. 2Tim3v16
  • I don't subscribe to any man-made tradition or religious denomination but seek to have fellowship with christians who share my comittment to obeying the Word of God.

Yours in Christ,

Michael Platt